Hier mal Changelog der Sachen, die bis jetzt fertig bzw. angefangen sind. Wird noch etwas mehr werden, da einige Sachen unbedingt noch rein müssen.
- added a new building, which controls the improved new quest system
- added some features which help to design quests
- added a new unit to the "Arkaner Beschwörer"
- added a new unit which can create local visibility for the players
- the "Fabrik der Wunder" can build portals instead of one dragon hort
- reworked the victory/defeat system
- the size of an unit can be changed now by using "-scale unit x.xx"
- god can add or remove gold from mines by using their abilities
- added options to change the "Aufstand der Toten"
- the portal besides the shops got a new ability to port units
- units only need to be on 85% of their hp to be sacrificed
- reworked the "Absorbation" and "Berserkerklinge" abilities
- god can stop the daytime and set it to midnight and noon
- trees created by god won't grow back when using "Heilender Regen"
- some more minor changes and bugfixes
Ich denke der ist schon recht ansprechend
"- the "Fabrik der Wunder" can build portals instead of one dragon hort"
Das sind deine gewünschten Teleporter, auch schon so gut wie fertig.