Official Homepage of OMG

Here you can download the latest version:

Download the recent version only from here, there are alot of hacked, inofficial ones.
The rest of this homepage is still in German, but the forum is English already.

Have fun,


v1.9d released at 26.05.2011

- Added a command that helps you to create control groups by automatically selecting units. Visit the Forum to suggest your own set of control groups. Every skilled god should use control groups.
- casting Meditation twice on the same unit gives it permanent cooldown and mana refresh for 2 minutes
- selecting the Teleporter automatically selects the race buildings (because they are removed from control groups after upgrading)
- recoded Execution to cast without delay on multiple targets (shiftkill) and to be able to kill invulnerable (allowed) targets
- units sent by a spawnpoint move as a group now
- unit teleport doesn't port Spawn Points and Sight field Modificators
- fixed that some custom units bugged when spawned by a Spawn Point
- fixed powerup death grafics from remaining
- some minor changes and bug-/typo-/hotkeysfixes

v1.9c released at 08.05.2011

- daytime and weather commands didn't work (only german)
- fixed that the Spawn Point unit groups weren't copied by using 'Define'/'Place'
- fixed the preview pic

v1.9b released at 07.05.2011

- fixed a heavy bug in the victory/defeat system
- demons can only summon 1 hero per main building level
- some more bug and typo fixes

v1.9 released at 07.05.2011

- Added the demon race:
  * 10 units
  * 3 heroes
  * 11 buildings
- Added Spawn Points
- the buildings of all 7 races can now directly be build from heaven
- to centralize unit placing/giving, the teleporter now has the abilities place, define, and change destination.
- Enlarged the small "islands" in the corners of the map
- Placed a goblin labratory, a market place and a mercenary camp near the sacrifice vortex
- Artefakts of an ally cannot be charmed
- Frost Kings Frost Cage now splashes
- trees created by fertility aren't placed randomly anymore to ensure that they are placed evenly.
- sligthly lowered a charmed artifacts damage
- Bodyguards don't splash on allied units
- If the god player slot is unused, you can now play a normal game.

- several bug fixes

v1.8f released at 26.03.2011

- fixed that artefacts cannot be created
- translated some forgotten texts
- fixed bugs with some obelisk abilities
- fixed the Field of view Modificator
- fixed that portal and dragon aerie couldn't be destroyed

v1.8e released at 24.03.2011

>>> translated the whole map to English

- artifacts can be knocked down by the factory of wonders
- the bodyguards now actually guard their target unit
- Glorious Shield now provides 100% magic resistance
- fixed a couple of rare bugs

v1.8d released at 20.03.2011

- added 4 active Obelisk abilities, removed Gummiball (didn't fit to the concept)
- the name of the linked quest is shown when choosing a reward area with the Teleporter
- quests get marked as failed/done properly now (it really works now)

v1.8b/c released at 16.03.2011


v1.8 released at 16.03.2011

- Artefakte added
- Camera distance set by zooming doesn't change when scrolling, default is two times zoomed
- Starting main buildings are now placed correctly
- Items can now be placed in the six quest reward areas
- Automatic distribution of the quest system fixed
- The Teleporter can now target the reward areas
- fixed a bug with the Itemverteiler

OpenBeta4b released at 13.09.2010

- hotfix

OpenBeta4 released at 13.09.2010

- added the basis of the new obelisk system
- remade Seelenschlund
- Sichtfeldmodifikator should finally work
- Wolke 7 can now create areas where nobody can fight
- a new helper unit is used to globally place/give out items
- most of gods abilites go through magic immunity
- if god takes control over a player, gods units treat the players units as neutral
- Baum fällen can now optionally fell a small area
- the select order priority of gods buildings was improved
- players cant unshare with god to delete his unit control
- units in the are arround the circles have max. speed
- the teleporter has small grafic attachements to show activity
- a bunch of more small bugfixes and improvements

OpenBeta3 released at 16.08.2009

 - added an introduction into the tooltip of the ability Neuer Quest
 - Removed Hauche Gottes
 - Fastbuild is on by default
 - added some grafic effects to god
 - fixed a bunch of bugs (e.g. Countdownsystem, Sichtfeldmodifikator, Portals can target Circles, Quests get marked as failed/done)

OpenBeta2 released at 04.08.2009

 - Hauche Gottes funcionality is now replaced by an optional, more comfortable System working with abilities. Both systems are still usable at the moment.
 - added a circle for the neutral agressive player
 - up to 5 Countdowns possible at one time
 - automatic quest finishing/failing can be linked to countdowns
 - added a dialog asking whether you really want to kick
 - Anzeigen ability of the quest system gives information about automatization
 - fixed a bunch of bugs

OpenBeta1 released at 19.04.2009

 - added a new building, which controls the improved new quest system. The old one was completely removed.
 - reworked the victory/defeat system
 - added a new building which helps to give out units faster
 - added a new unit which can create local visibility for the players
 - added a circle which duplicates units for all players
 - added a lever which is used to clear the sacrifice cages to save performance
 - removed the Architekt and made gods buildings invulnerable
 - new preview picture (thanks to LiberrY)

 - added a new unit to the Arkaner Beschwörer
 - replaced the Shop with 8 different ones
 - the Fabrik der Wunder can build portals and harbors instead of three dragon horts, which are now unified in one building
 - added Malfurion and Sylvanas Windrunner to god's altars
 - Mutant and Samurai drop two special items

Gods Abilities:
 - the portal besides the shops got two new abilities to port units
 - the Himmelsschloss has a new ability to cut down trees
 - god can add or remove gold from mines by using their abilities
 - Bekehren is also available as an AoE spell
 - the Himmelsschloss can create minimap pings for all/specific players/teams
 - level, attributes and items of heroes are stored by Einheit definieren

General Abilities:
 - heroes are sacrificed via an ability
 - remade Absorbation
 - remade Berserkerklinge
 - remade Sprengen

 - units only need to be on 90% of their HP to be sacrificed
 - Segnung, Herrliches Schild and Betäubung last twice as long as before
 - Schlaf lasts two minutes now
 - changed armortype, hitpoints and regeneration of the Randalierer
 - trees created by god won't grow back when using Heilender Regen
 - removed the start unit sell cooldown of buildings placed by god

 - added "-commands" to show all commands
 - "-save area on/off" prevents fights arround the sacrifice area
 - some songs for can be played by god by using "-music [1-5]"
 - the size of an unit can be changed now by using "-scale unit x.xx"
 - god can stop the daytime and set it to midnight and noon
 - besides the weather effect, "-wind" spawns tornados
 - added "-dice"/"-dice x" to dice

 - fixed that Chuck Norris was given to the wrong player
 - fixed all victory/defeat bugs
 - the Warpantrieb works properly now
 - fixed some bugs with Einheit definieren/platzieren
 - buildings cannot be placed in water anymore
 - by Göttliche Gnade resurrected graveyard corpses are given to the graveyard owner
 - gave correct pathing attributes to Dranei buildings
 - fixed some bugs with Luftangriff
 - fastbuild now also works on buildings which:
   > are upgrading
   > are overtaken by god while under construction
   > are already under construction when fastbuild is activated
 - fixed and improved many hotkeys and tooltips

- much more minor changes and bugfixes


(released at 15.06.2008)
- the portal on the left can now change between some destinations
- fixed some bad bugs
- some minor changes

(released at 01.06.2008)
- added a multiboard, which will be extended in further versions
- when defining a unit, its normal name is now displayed
- units no longer die when placing them directly on circles of power
- remade the special effects when giving a unit
- better code optimization
- fixed a few minor bugs

(released at 27.05.2008)
- added a new building for god
- added a new unit to the "Arkaner Beschwörer"
- added negative tomes to the "Bibliothek"
- map is now played with the latest patch
- "Heiliger Regen" and "Gewitter" can be used several times at the same time by one Wolke 7.
- portal destinations can be changed
- improved many messages
- names can be set to default now by "-reset name x"
- added effects to the circles of power
- added a new ability to the "Hauche Gottes"
- the "Arkaner Beschwörer" got 2 new useful abilities
- increased maximum hero level to 25
- improved the spawning of "Aufstand der Toten"
- improved and fixed many abilities
- fixed some detection bugs with the "Unsichtbarkeit"-circle
- fixed some bugs with "Axt des Eises"
- some more bugfixes


(released at 04.10.2007/07.10.2007)
- some bugfixes

(released at 03.10.2007)
- god can give self-made quests
- 5 new creep buildings for god
- Arkaner Beschwörer has 2 more summons
- "Heilender Regen" ability
- Chuck Norris got 2 new abilities and shares vision with everybody
- shop sells 2 more items
- god gets tips
- god can create a timer
- god has a fast-built command
- "-opfer"  command for players
- shortcuts for commands
- removed all useless circles of power
- camera settings added
- tons of changes and bugfixes


(released at 01.05.2007)
- Chuck Norris
- a lot of text improvements
- god can kill all zombies
- godly buffs cannot be removed by normal abilitys
- a lot of minor changes and bugfixes


- Prewiew picture
- Arkaner Beschwörer can summon a Eiskönig
- God can grant vision over the earth for all players
- command "-change name info" added
- "Fruchtbarkeit" ability added
- Samurai changed
- minor changes and bugfixes


- Arkaner Beschwörer can summon a Samurai
- "Wiederkehr" ability added
- "Reinigung" ability added
- God's Avatar has a new ability
- "Lavahaut" ability has another effect
- player don't get defeat if they have no more units, because god can give them new ones
- big zombies create another big zombie by killing a unit
- minor changes and bugfixes


- God can now give new names to all players
- Shop and Bibliothek are no longer build by the Architekt but placed beside the portal
- Naga-building for god
- Akame added to god's altar of kings
- sacrificing a hero now adds 5 points + 2 x herolevel to the board
- graphics and sounds added
- minor changes and bugfixes


- removed turtorial; perhaps the next versions will bring it again.

(don't host this it's unplayable in the multiplayer)
- tried to fix the turtorial
- fixed a collision bug with the new goldmine ability

(don't host this it's unplayable in the multiplayer)
- tutorial added
- goldmine ability added
- corrected and enhanced some godly abilities
- sounds added
- text improvements
- leaderboard improvements
- zombies are weaker but more
- minor changes and bugfixes
- added a changelog to the questlog  XD

>>Download OMG v1.0<<
Check out the very first version of OMG. It's slightly modified to be only playable in the single player .
  34610 Besucher seit dem 23.05.2008.  
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